What is Cyber Crime? Definition, Types and Causes
What is Cyber Crime? Definition, Types and Causes
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What is Cyber Crime? Definition, Types and Causes

We are living in the world, where internet has become essential part of our life and use it like everyday as per our requirements. We store data on the internet using various applications. Many companies store the data on servers. Our data is available publically on the internet.But importantly, is these data secure in its place? or how the cyber crime happens and how its affect your life.Let’s find the answer!
Cyber security
What is Cyber Crime?
Cyber crime definition :
Cybercrime is reffered as a criminal activity which involves a computer and a network. It either targets or uses a computer and is carried out by hackers or cyber criminals. Cybercrime may harm someones security or financial health.
There’s no doubt that cybercrime is increasing on greater rate. With the help of latest technologies and cyber mechanisms, hackers and criminals are becoming more powerful than ever, by hacking companies and breaching the data on the internet.
(Related : What is Bug Bounty and what is Bug Bounty program)
“85% of the global industries experienced phishing and social engineering cyber attacks last year.”
Now, lets see some cyber crime types,
Types of cyber crime are :
- Hacking : misusing or taking control over the system, websites or networks.
- Identity theft : misusing personal information.
- Phishing : creating fake emails for steraling personal info like passwords,etc. on the internet.
- Ransomware attacks : ransomware attack refers to cyber hijacking where company’s data or systems are seized, money is asked in return of systeacking : misusing or taking control over the system, websites or networks.
- Identity theft : misusing personal information.
- Phishing : creating fake emails for steraling personal info like passwords,etc. on the internet.
- Ransomware attacks : ransomware attack refers to cyber hijacking where company’s data or systems are seized, money is asked in return of system access.
- Cyberextortion : demanding for money for prevention for a threatened attack.
- Cyberespionage : Accessing company’s or government’s confidential data and selling it on the dark web.
- Cryptojacking : it invloves mining of cryptocurrencies while using people’s unauthorized devices like computer, smartphones, servers,etc.m access.
- Cyberextortion : demanding for money for prevention for a threatened attack.
- Cyberespionage : Accessing company’s or government’s confidential data and selling it on the dark web.
- Cryptojacking : it invloves mining of cryptocurrencies while using people’s unauthorized devices like computer, smartphones, servers,etc.
These were some major specific cybercrime. But why these attacks happen? These cyber attacks occur depending on the causes. Now, lets see some major causes of cybercrime.
Main Causes of Cybercrime :
1) System is vulnerable :
System vulnerabilities can be very dangerous as it may act as a free entry gate for cyber criminals or hackers. A wrong system or network setting on the system can lead to such vulnerabilities.
A skilled hacker can easily gain access to the system by exploiting the security system. Main causes of these vulnerabilities are not the right security software is installed, not updating the system by installing updates and patches.
Keeping the system up-to-date is very important as it may fix these vulnerabilities.
2) Storage of Data :
A individual or a company use various forms of storage for storing the data. Like a computer, online cloud services, servers. But are these storage services or devices secure? The devices are connected to the internet and some machines like servers are connected to the internet 24/7.
So the answer is it can be hacked! The main cause for data stealing is compact storage space. Storing data in a small space makes it easier for hackers to steal data in no time and utilize it for their own profit. On the other hand, if all the data is stored in one device then you will loose all the data if the device gets hacked. So, it is a good practice to segregate the data in different spaces.
3) Lack of Security Assistance :
According to the ‘2021 Norton Cyber Safety Insights Report,’ by NortonLifeLock, more than 27 million Indian adults experienced identity theft in the past 12 months and 52 percent of Indian adults admitted they don’t know how to protect themselves from cybercrime.
Very few know how to take steps to increase cyber security. Let’s consider password’s : See the statistic report from dataprot.net –
credits : dataprot.net
4) Loss of Evidence :
When a system gets hacked by a cyber criminals or hackers, after their job is done they clean each and every evidence regarding their breaches.
They usually attack in layers which makes easier for them to clean the evidence. these makes the cyber crime investigation more tough and the attack is considered as a powerful attack.
The systems become more vulnerable to cyber attack as the system vulnerabilities are on the internet now. Loss of evidence is one of the major cause for cybercrime.
5) Complex Systems & Negligence :
Operations were performed on computers and Data is stored on computers. These computers require a operating system to perform such operations. Operating systems like Windows, Linux, etc. widely used around the world.
Servers run linux systems. Linux is considered as more secure than other operating systems.
So, installing a linux os in your system and you are secure? No. Being open source linux becomes more vulnerable. A proper firewall and coding is required for a secured system. Operating systems are vulnerable to errors.
Hackers can make use of such loopholes for gaining access to the system. This doesn’t mean to make the system complex by coding.
This may lead to negligence to some layers in the system. Complex is also one the major cause of cybercrime.
So, can we see a cyber secure world in the future?
The world cannot be completely secure from cyber criminals. But, we should move towards a more cyber secure world. By raising awareness of cyber security in schools, colleges.
Oraganizations should host seminars on cyber security. Displaying cyber related news on news channels instead of useless politics. Making information more accessible, in a way that is digestible, attractive and engaging can work wonders!
Companies can go for cyber security services like Abner Security which provide services like VAPT for testing their websites and making it more secure by knowing the vulnerabilities in the first place. Many more services exist for different operations.
At least, the risk of being cyber crime victim will become less. As things stand, it’s time we take responsibility and do more about it.
That’s it with the post. I hope this article will help you to be aware of the cyber crime that happens in real world or how can you avoid the cyber crime. if you are facing any issue, then comment below . I will provide you the solution as soon as posssible
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